Cheddar Jalapeño Cheetos and Top the Tater Is Officially The Best Cabin Snack. Ever.

Memorial Day Weekend is the unofficial start of summer here in Minnesota and it’s also a kick off to cabin season. And no cabin visit is complete without elite cabin snacks to be shared with the rest of your weekend crew. Well, we’ve stumbled upon a soon to be legendary cabin snack.

You heard it here first: Cheddar Jalapeño Cheetos dipped in Top the Tater is the perfect snack for you to bring to your next cabin adventure. It’s an unexpected combination that may, in fact, be a gift from God.

We know what you’re thinking . . .”Really?! Cheddar Jalapeño Cheetos are disgusting! Why would you eat those?” But let me tell you, the first time I tried this concoction, I never looked back.

Let’s hash this out because there are some things you need to know before you pack your bags for cabin snack nirvana:


#1: Unique

Whenever you are told to bring a cabin snack to share, it’s easy to mail it in and grab chips and salsa or a bag of BBQ Lays. Boring! By contrast, this snack combines a traditional Minnesota chip dip with a not so common bag of orange and green dusted heaven. You might get some weird looks when you debut this cabin super snack, but no one will care in the end because it’s just that damn good.

#2: Flavor

Along with most Minnesotans, I am generally not a fan of spicy foods. If Guy Fieri is the mayor of Flavor Town, he doesn’t spend a ton of time here in the bland lefsa eating Land of 10,000 Lakes. I was weary of the Cheddar Jalapeño Cheetos at first but the spice level proved to be just right. The crunch is the same as any Cheeto, but the mixture of cheddar and jalapeño is magnificent. Chef kiss. And Minnesota’s own Top the Tater dip does a nice job of leveling the flavors out so nothing gets Da’ Bomb hot. Besides there is no other onion dip on the planet that can hold a candle to Top the Tater.

#3: #SupportLocal

Local products always taste the best. I’m only a little biased, but Top the Tater is never wrong. It’s a local treat that every Minnesotan loves. You can buy it in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and the eastern portions of the Dakotas (just like Pulltab Sports😁). If you’ve yet to indulge, you’ll find this dip in most if not all grocery stores and gas stations, how convenient. 

But before we get too carried away, we all know that too much of a good thing can be bad. Here are a couple of reality checks you need to know before diving into this unique cabin super snack.


#1: Stomach Issues are Inevitable

Consider yourself warned, if you have any sort of stomach issues, you’re going to want to stay within sprinting distance of a toilet or outhouse for the next couple hours. I know, I know it’s TMI—but we’re just being honest, and Pulltab Sports is a fair and balanced media company. These Cheddar Jalapeño Cheetos sit near a 6/10 on my spicy scale, and they prove to be a 6/10 on the way out as well. Ironically, this has never stopped me from eating them. Like a moth to a flame. 

#2: Binging will occur

Like most people, if you put a bag of chips in front of me, I’ll likely finish it in one sitting. To avoid this issue, it’s best if you simply pour out a handful of Cheetos and put the bag away. The Top the Tater dip is unfortunately very addicting as well, so you won’t have to worry about keeping it cool when you're out on the lake.

#3: Judgment

I have definitely gotten my fair share of weird looks when it comes to rolling into the cabin with this snack, but does that stop me from eating it? Heck no. I’m sure Elvis Aaron Presley himself experienced an eye roll or two when he showed up at the cabin with peanut butter and banana sandwiches. With great power, comes great responsibility. You should also expect a few classic Minnesotan passive aggressive comments, but we’re all used to that by now. Once you get over this, you’ll be able to eat your new favorite snack in peace. 

In closing, I can’t take credit for inventing this masterpiece. Like all great inventions, the Cheddar Jalapeño and Top the Tater concoction was introduced to me by my brother’s Canadian ex-girlfriend. The Canadian is noted for a reason. Canadians like themselves some weird snacks (see ketchup flavored potato chips).

I challenge you to try this snack this summer, your cabin life will be better for it. Go buy this outlandish snack because it will change your life. Or at the very least it will start a conversation with your friends and family up at the cabin. Maybe you can make a Tik Tok that goes viral, just remember you heard it here first when you get famous!



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