Mr. Osbourne Has Returned, and His New Album Can be Your Soundtrack to Life.

No matter what you are doing throughout the day, it’s always better to do it while listening to music. A playlist for every occasion. Whether you are getting ready for a night out, or getting over a breakup, there is always a song for it. With new music coming out every day, it might be hard to narrow it down. Scroll no more! A new album just dropped, and it happens to be from a legend.

Next time you are aimlessly searching for a song, check out “Patient Number 9,” Ozzy Osbourne’s newest album. A true Ozzy Osbourne revival. Ozzy is still rocking out to this day, and his new album is the perfect refresher to remind us of that.

Each song plays into his classic sound, while also throwing in some modern touches. Big names like Jeff Beck, and Eric Clapton are also featured, taking the album to the next level. Each song radiates its own vibe, and each song has a place in a soundtrack to life. Here are the new songs, and exactly when you should play them.

1. When you need a song to scream in the car

The title track “Patient Number 9” is a true head banger. Loud, daring vocals and a journey for the ears, this song is perfect for a drive. It’s a longer track, but the simpler melody and catchy belts make this track truly powerful. Jeff Beck is widely known as one of the best guitarists of all time, and his solos take the cake and make this song an intense ride. It plays out with a classic, haunting Ozzy tune reminding us of the Ozzy we know and love.

2. When you’re getting ready to go out

“Immortal” is next, and it really does make you feel that way.

Ozzy stated in an interview that this song is simply about a vampire… that's all. Sometimes simple is better, especially when the night is young and the drinks are flowing. Do your makeup, pick out an outfit, play this track, and get pumped up. This song is perfect for this occasion, you'll be humming it all night. It’s catchy, with a subtle 80s vibe that is guaranteed to set you up for a wild evening.

3. When you want a confidence booster

Everyone knows that feeling. You just accomplished some goal or task you are proud of, and whether that be making it to work on time or hitting a home run, achievements are worth celebrating. “Parasite” has to be one of the most modern songs ever heard from Ozzy. That, on top of the sexy and bragging solo, makes this song bring some heat. Look yourself in the mirror, pat yourself on the back, and walk into any room feeling like royalty as Zakk Wylde blesses your ears with his riffs.

4. When you are feeling vengeful

“Escape from Now” is probably one of the most Ozzy-like tracks. With a sinister flow to it and an epic build up, this will definitely fuel your fire. The song sounds like a pursuit. A huge kick-up around 4 minutes in would make anyone vengeful. The second phase of the song plays well into the overall progression of the track, so much so that it’s easy to imagine a music video in your head while listening. So next time you are brewing over an argument thinking about what you should have said, play this tune, and keep your head up. You’ll get ‘em next time with the perfect burn.

5. When you want to feel less alone

Everyone has bad days, and sometimes all you need is a song to make you feel understood. That song is “One of Those Days.” Considering Mr. Osbourne’s past, it’s no surprise that he has struggled with mental health and drug abuse his entire life, and he gets deep into that in this song. You know the song will be good because Eric Clapton steps in with his reliably excellent guitar. His strumming feels like a dance, the notes flowing through one another as if the sounds are alive. With morbid quotes like “drinking my sins, drown my soul”, it’s hard to not feel like someone knows life’s hardest struggles, when you are in the thick of it.

6. When you feel like texting your ex

Your friends are telling you not to, your therapist is telling you not to, but you still really want to text your ex. Maybe Ozzy can change your mind with “A Thousand Shades.” A beautiful ensemble of instruments that you typically wouldn't hear in your average metal song plays on the heartstrings.

One of the quotes ringing “photographs reminding us nothing ever lasts” will really make you think twice before sending that text message. The guitar solo by Jeff Beck, makes the guitar sound like its sobbing for its ex too–in a good way.

7. When you want a lonely, somber drive

“Mr. Darkness” and “Nothing Feels Right” both featuring Zakk Wylde, will surely make that lonely drive one you'd see in a movie. Gaze out on the open landscape and maybe shed a tear or two, because these tracks get pretty dark, and give a fearless look into Ozzy’s mind. These are definitely not songs you would want to play before an event or hanging out with friends. These songs are for your “me time,” when you are feeling introspective, and want to dive deep into your emotions

8. If you want to begin your villain arc

Many quintessential villain stories have captivated peoples’ attention for decades. With villain origin stories becoming more and more popular in movies these days, stories behind The Joker or Cruella de Vil have excited moviegoers.

So, if the day comes when you feel your villain origin story brewing, listening to “Evil Shuffle” is a necessity. Ozzy talks about this “mad man” living inside him, and losing control of his darkest desires. The song slowly builds until the solo, when the little movie in your head reaches its peak, and you prance down those steps just like The Joker

9. When you want a good workout

The subject matter of this song is up to your interpretation here. With the melody, and the hard, repetitive beat, this song is perfect for hitting those PRs and finishing up your sets in the weight room. “Degradation Rules” is all about pleasure seeking and instant gratification, so naturally, this song is meant to get someone pumped up. A large buildup throughout the song will definitely make you want to run that last mile or curl that last dumbbell.

10. When you want to go for a night walk

“Dead and Gone” is a simpler song, it doesn't boast anything too flashy, however for a long walk under the stars, shuffling down the street with this song playing just makes sense. 

There are some topics within the lyrics that are up for interpretation. Some lyrics such as “posing for pictures, then eating your own” hints at some sort of hypocrisy being discussed, but a first-hand explanation from Ozzy would still definitely be appreciated.

11. If you want to cry but you just cant

“God only knows” sounds like one of the more personal tracks on the album. The overall vibe feels like a hopeless shout into the void, and makes you wonder not only what Ozzy has been through, but what you have gone through. The lyrics are heartbreaking, and the guitar really does sound like its crying. There is a sense of despair you can hear in his voice as well. Ozzy has been making music since the late 60s, and he is now 73 years old.  This song is Ozzy reminiscing on his old rock and roll life, now he is older, and his life has settled, and he feels he is “fading away.” Regardless of the subject matter, the song feels epic, large, and powerful, and it really could bring you to tears

12. When you're on a morning stroll

“Darkside Blues” is unlike any of the other songs on the album. Not only is it one of Ozzy’s only solo songs, but it's a blues song. Combining his traditional sound with an almost western feeling echoing it. If you wake up in the morning and the sun is shining and you feel like going for a walk, put this song on and that walk will turn into a stroll. Nonchalant and short, the song is humble yet expertly simple. It feels like a little wave goodbye from Ozzy, as he playfully says “Haha! That's jazz,” at the song closing.

This album not only has a diverse sound and a diverse set of artists, but a diverse set of uses too. No matter what time of day, turn on an Ozzy track, and enhance your experience. The right song at the right time can really make your life feel like a movie, but only with Ozzy Osbourne can you be the main character.


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Pink Wolverines spotted in Iowa City.