Sunday Morning Coming Down Podcast — Episode #129: A Payday is not a Nut Roll.

Not the same thing btw.

John is still wallowing in his move, shares 5 helpful thoughts on happiness from a listener, and wonders if sometimes it’s better to just take the diarrhea.

A bit more info as you prepare to order mucho jars of JoMomma’s. It’s a magic carpet ride for your mouth! $6.50 a jar.

Support Tuesday Night beer league. Buy some JoMomma’s salsa for $6.50 a jar and half goes to our team for new jerseys.

Meritocracy is not dead. At Tally’s you still earn your mug.

Clearly packing fatigue has set in. Good to go!



What Lonely American Singles Can Learn From Netflix’s “Indian Matchmaking”.


Lea Michele: From Bully to Bullied.