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Corey Irion

Originally not from Canada (which means he knows how to properly pronounce “Garage” without sounding like an over served gentleman with a mouth full of marbles), Corey is a graduate of the University of North Dakota and the University of North Dakota School of Law. Corey has a myriad of experience in things and stuff, and he’s one of the three people referenced on that t-shirt you once saw in the Wahpeton strip mall (“I Like Beer and Maybe Three People”). So he has that going for him. In his spare time, Corey coaches and runs his kids to every corner of the upper Midwest to vicariously live out his dreams through their lives (i.e. he would have played in college but his knees, back, or shoulder got hurt or something). Corey enjoys hunting, fishing, playing sports, spending quality time with his wife, and he’s literally had zero time to do any of these things since he said, “Sure, we can try travel sports” for one season.

Corey’s Episodes